Important people

Sciencie and technology 

Hubert Reeves, isan astrophycist know for hiapopular science work. He also Known word  lwich fpr his research on stellar nucleosyntheisis. he has received nemeous awards for his work, incluiding the Albert Eistein.

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Rudolph A. Marcus is a chemist who received a Nobel Prize in chemistry for his theory of outer sphere electron  transfer.

Music and dance
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Féliz Leclerc

Being a moder cosmopolitan society,  today all types of music can be found in Quebec. From folk music to hiphop, music has always played an important role in Quebercers culture.
Félix Leclerc fue a French-Canadian singer-songwriter, poet, writer, actorand Québécois political activist.

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Celine Dion

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Émile Nelligan, Quebec poet, famous for is poem Winter evening.

Cirque du Soleil

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